Posts in the category

CMU-Q workshops introduce secondary students to career possibilities

Posted on 14th Feb 2018 in University Study, Qatar

It is Saturday, and the Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar building buzzes with activity. More than one hundred high school students are attending the Mindcraft workshop to learn about the field of computer science. During the day-long session, students get a taste of what studying computer science might be like: they program a robot to maneuver through a maze, and learn about computational thinking and problem solving.

3 reasons why Germany is a great place for your studies

Posted on 2nd Feb 2018 in University Study, Germany

In today’s globalized world, many high school students are choosing not only between different universities where they might like to study, but also different countries. At Jacobs University, we think that Germany has a lot to offer! Here are our top three reasons, why you should consider studying in Germany.

Why do universities love the IB?

Posted on 25th Jan 2018 in University Study, Canada

'Let me get this out right from the get go – I LOVE IB! There I said it. I don’t think you’ll find too many admissions-type people at Canadian universities who don’t love the IB curriculum.' Dan Seneker, Director Enrolment Management at Bishop's University in Canada, explains why...
